Solo Show: Alexandra Grant. Word. Image. Space at The Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature, Warsaw

Alexandra Grant. Word. Image. Space
The Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature
Warsaw, Poland
September 25 – December 31, 2024

Alexandra Grant. Word. Image. Space shows the artist’s diverse approaches to her literary interests and features painting, sculpture, photography, video installation, and publishing projects. The exhibition focuses on Grant’s works inspired by Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska and American hypertext writer Michael Joyce, and the artist’s relationship to their writing. New neon pieces, wire sculpture installations and painted tondos are site-specific works designed especially for the Museum of Literature. A separate part of the exhibition, but closely related to its literary theme, will be the presentation of books published by X Artists’ Books, co-founded by Grant.

The exhibition was organized by Dr. Anna Lipa, the Chief of the Department of Photographic Documentation of the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in collaboration with Irena Kain, a promoter of Polish art in Switzerland and Germany. A catalog will be published with an interview between Kain and Grant, and essays by Lipa, Museum of Literature Director Jarosław Klejnocki, and art historian Marta Smolinska.

This will be Grant’s first solo institutional exhibition in Europe.

The Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature
Rynek Starego Miasta 20, 00-272 Warszaw, Poland

Wednesday 11 am—4 pm
Thursday 4 am—8 pm
Friday 11 am—4 pm
Saturday – Sunday 11 am—6 pm

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