ghost town
El Museo de la Casa Santo Domingo

ghost town
Galería Marco Augusto Quiroa en Casa Santo Domingo
Antigua, Guatemala
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Reception: 6-9pm

Casa Santo Domingo is pleased to announce the acquisition of ghost town, Alexandra Grant’s large-scale participatory drawing made for the 20 Bienal de Arte Paiz in 2016 in Guatemala City, Guatemala. For ghost town, Grant invited over 600 members of the public to join her in illustrating a series of poems by the Guatemalan writer Vania Vargas titled  “Cartografía de un pueblo fantasma” (“Cartography of a Ghost Town”), which map out dreams, real and fictive, across the urban landscape of Guatemala City.

Now in the permanent collection of Casa Santo Domingo, ghost town is a historic record of several generations of Guatemalan artists and non-artists that worked side-by-side with Grant as an extension of her studio practice. This exhibition of the work, a year after its creation, celebrates the spirit of hospitality, collaboration and exchange in which it was made.

Created with the participation of the public — whose names are all listed at the exhibition — during the 20 Bienal de Arte Paiz. It illustrates the text of  “Cartografía de un pueblo fantasma” (“Cartography of a Ghost Town”) of the poet Vania Vargas.
Creado con la participacion del publico — lista de nombres adjuntos — durante la 20 Bienal de Arte Paiz. Ilustrando las letras “Cartografía de un pueblo fantasma” de la poeta Vania Vargas.

2 people viewing an indoor wall mural

Alexandra Grant. ghost town, 2016. Mixed media on paper/Media mixta sobre papel, 72 x 115 inches.